Maja Maričić (1963) received her primary and secondary music education at the music school of Pavel Markovac with prof. Viline Sočo-Runić, and graduated from the music academy in the class of prof. Star Bašić.

Guided by the idea that a musician should not be limited by the choice of only one instrument, she worked as the leader of a children's playroom in a kindergarten (Orff's instrument set), and as the leader of a women's klapa and a mixed choir. In addition to pedagogical work, he is also constantly engaged in co-rehearsal for the joy of playing music together and preserving technique.

Every child has musical potential, they just need to know how to encourage it ("all children are born with wings, and teachers are there to teach them to fly"). For this reason, the most important thing for this professor is not that the students have remarkable results, but that they come and go from class happy that music is part of their lives and that it makes them better people.