Percussion classes
These instruments are used in the orchestra to create effects, accents, and especially rhythms. Percussion instruments, much more relevant today than in the past, have taken a very important place in modern times, as well as orchestration. At Zlatko Baloković's music school, students have the opportunity to learn percussion instruments according to the work schedule.
When playing percussion, the most necessary is a sense of rhythm, mobility and a good ability to coordinate movements, as well as quick reflexes.
Basic principles of working and learning percussion instruments:
1. Learning how to hold sticks (two) with membranophones (percussion with a membrane) and idiophones (fixed intonation, xylophone, cymbals, bells, etc.).
2. Getting to know the sound of these instruments, dynamics and tempo.
3. Familiarity with basic percussion instruments and hand coordination. Use in the first year of learning snare drums and marimba. Application of the simplest rhythmic figures, quarter notes, eighth notes and their breaks.
4. In further classes, other rhythmic figures are developed, i.e. their application in simpler exercises and compositions
5. Use of three and four clubs
Percussion instruments - are divided into four groups:
membranophones (membrane-sounding musical instruments),
metal idiophones, wooden idiophones (metal or wooden self-sounding musical instruments) and sonorous objects (ruzaljka, whip, chains).
Idiophone musical instruments produce sound with the elastic material they are made of, while membranophones produce it using a tensioned membrane. Percussion instruments can produce sound of different (xylophone) or always the same frequencies (drum, cymbals).