Born in 1962 in Split, where she completed elementary and secondary music school Josip Hatze. In 1982, she graduated from the Music Academy in Sarajevo, the theoretical department, where due to her exceptional results, she was able to pass the III and IV years in one academic year.

Winner of the Hasan Brkić award for the best student of the University.

During his studies, he works as a substitute music teacher at the Franjo Kluz elementary school (Sarajevo).

In 1982, he became a permanent employee of the Educational Center for Culture and Art of the OOUR MUSIC SCHOOL as a professor of the theoretical department of the Functional Music School in Zagreb. He teaches several subjects; harmony, counterpoint, vocal technique, methodology, musical forms, solfeggio, playing scores.

In 1995, he founded the company DENI-TON and as part of it opened a music classroom in the Malešnica elementary school and worked as an external associate as a professor of music culture until 1999. Since 1999, he has been working as a professor of music culture in the elementary school Creative development and musical arts in the gymnasium Dr. Tino Chasl.

Since 2005, he has been working as a permanent professor of theoretical subjects at Zlatko Baloković's music school.

He deals with the organization of serious and pop music concerts, book promotions and exhibitions. He gives lessons in vocal technique to singers of various musical expressions (pop, fun, spiritual music...) with whom he works as a supervisor on their musical projects.